Tuesday 11 February 2014

Back on the Beat – Kajjansi 06.02.14

It is now the second week of our second semester, here at African Bible University, and so our second season of Thursday outreach begins again.  For me, that means Kajjansi open air preaching and witnessing for the Lord.  It also means two prayer meetings on a Wednesday evening: 7.30-9.00 with the faculty (that’s ‘staff’ to us English!), and then 9.30-10.15 with the Kajjansi team.  One, quite Western, the other, very African!  We prayed particularly, that the people of Kajjansi would recognise us as friends, and people who have a love for them.  We prayed they would be glad to see us, and that meaningful friendships would be formed.

So, again we set off in hired taxis (matatus, as they call them here.  We still desperately need a bus, in case you were thinking of donating one!), singing our ‘Kajjansi, Kajjansi’ calling song (see earlier blog), and arrived at a very well-stocked market street.  We climbed up to our normal spot, dodging the local traders - who appeared to be sleeping, and clapped and joined in, as Frank led us in singing, (what I think was,) ‘I’m already better’ (I’ll add this to the blog - as soon as poosible - so you can listen and see for yourselves).

Back with the Boys Again
Then, to open procedures, I interviewed a real-life Angel – Angel Gondwe.  Angel is from Malawi, and is a fourth year student, studying Biblical Studies with Communications.  She has been a Christian since she was 12 years old, and testified of God’s love and saving grace in her life.  She stayed on campus over Christmas, helping out on the radio.  She was also very ill last semester, so please pray for Angel, and pray she will find God’s desired employment for her, after she graduates.

Angel testifying of God's goodness and faithfulness to her
...a bit different to the shy 1st Year I met,
back in 2011.

So, following some more singing, Angel, myself, Godwill Opio and Ben Bernard Bongomin (our photographer) set off to preach further down the road, opposite the Medical Centre.  On the way we passed Sali Swahib and Agnes, who seemed pleased to see us, and Agnes even let us set up near her stall.

Angel is distracted, Eric and Erastol hold the board, Godwill translates, I preach...and these two blokes just stood and listened in!

I preached my ‘Where is God’ talk, which was the first talk I put together, for Newquay, back in 200?.  We had a good reception, as many stopped to look and listen.  Opio (Godwill) translated, for me, and then for me and Angel, as she again shared her testimony.  There were many ladies listening, including Agnes, who chose to eat her lunch sitting opposite us, and a Muslim lady who features in the photo below.

The two men are Bonnie and Andrew.  Bonnie was wearing a crucifix and said he appreciated the message.  We discussed forgiveness of sin, and knowing our sins can be forgiven now.  Andrew then interrupted saying we can’t be forgiven till we die.  I reminded them both of the paralytic who was lowered down through the roof, whom Jesus healed, after telling him, “Your sins are forgiven”, not ‘will be!’  

...whilst Bonnie and Andrew might be nearer than we think!

Andrew insisted that we have to die, so I illustrated how the Christian, when coming to know and confess Christ as their Saviour does indeed die, to the old self, and is born-anew in Christ.  I then relayed to him now I was saved and how I have sought to put sin to death within me.  Surprisingly, they seemed to get my drift and thanked me for preaching and sharing with them.  They asked where I go to church and seemed intent on finding out more.  I encouraged them to put their trust in Christ alone, and pray God will give them new hearts and new lives.

Whilst talking to the two men, Fiona came over to listen.  She owns a small internet shop directly opposite to where we were preaching.  She then asked if I would pray for her…for her business, for a husband, and for children.  I said I would, and also prayed that God would open her heart for Him, and that He would be her greatest desire.  

The shop was busy, with many customers, but that didn’t stop Fiona bowing her head and praying with me.  If only all the world were like this!
Fiona thinks she needs a booming business, a husband and children.
Pray she will find peace with God, first.
On the way home, we reflected on the day, and thanked God for His many blessings, and the new friends He’d brought to us.  And even though our driver cut in front of a Rav 4 and got bumped for his troubles, we all arrived back at campus, safe and sound.  Praise God.

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