Wednesday 12 February 2014

Natasha's News

“A late Happy New Year and greetings to you all, from Uganda!”

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35)

All dressed up for the
Christmas Banquet
Thank you all so much for your kind cards and encouragement over the Christmas period. It means a lot to us to know that we are prayed for and loved by you all. You are often in our thoughts and prayers.
Many of you know that we arrived in Kampala late August 2013, and after a couple of weeks began our new roles as lecturers and librarian. The first semester brought new challenges and blessings, which the Lord has graciously used to teach us about Himself and to change us.
My library orientation class went well, in spite of my failings in humanities, and gave me an opportunity to teach our first years. They are a wonderful class, full of warmth, love and openness, which are a constant but welcome challenge to this reserved and private Brit!

Smiles all round

The ladies Proverbs class ended well and some of the students wrote excellent exam essays on what they had learnt from our studies together. I pray the Lord will use His word, not only to give us understanding, but also to bless us with lives that honour Him.

We are thankful for a relaxing break, and the blessing of UK visitors. First was Nerena, my friend from Cambridge, who is serving the Lord in Durban South Africa. She was invited to help at a conference in Kampala, and was able to stay with us for the two weekends either side of the conference. It was a joy to spend time with her, and encourage one another in the LORD. Secondly, Stuart Creed a parent at Heritage school came to lead a new venture, ‘The Living Word’ conference on ABU campus. We were privileged to host Stuart in our home, and Sean attended some of the addresses and helped as a small group leader. The conference was a great success and we trust the Lord will continue to use Stuart to reach students in Uganda with the truth of His word.

Nerena and I, outside our back door
I spent some of my time helping with immigration, grading, minute writing and registration. I am content working behind the scenes, completing administrative tasks that aid the smooth running of ABU. If I am honest I find the teaching a challenge in mainly two areas. First, standing in front of a class of students is rather daunting, and I have to pray hard to overcome nerves and shyness. Secondly, I understand the content of the lectures, but am concerned that I lack the communication skills to impart this knowledge to others. Please pray for me in both these areas as I teach Business Statistics to our second years, especially pray that I would trust the Lord who has called me to this work. I often find myself saying ‘Lord I am willing, but not able’.
Another blessing to give thanks for was a visit from Mr Sharp, a gentleman from Sussex, who came to Uganda to establish contacts for a book ministry. He and others are involved in a work which provides reformed books at prices affordable for Africans. I enjoyed getting to know him, and our bookshop will be better equipped as a result. Please pray that God will provide students with the funds to purchase these books. Especially pray for Malaki and Ben, students who desire to set up small libraries in their home villages.
Recently I have begun helping Sophia, a teenager on campus, who has asked for extra help with her chemistry. I also hope to support a third year student with his maths, please pray for wisdom as we continue to meet.

Sophia getting to grips with Chemistry

Malaki, our leading librarian
The library is open again and we have some new helpers, so yesterday we arranged the check-in desk, cleaning, shelving and cataloguing rotas. Thank the Lord with us for providing four new lap tops, that once set up will enable our students to have on-line access to journals and e-books. I’m still learning how to run the library well, and am very thankful for Malaki who keeps me informed of all the tasks.  Malaki hopes to, one day, run his own library, back in his village, and we hope to be able to help him.  Please pray for wisdom in this matter, and pray for Malaki, who has a heart for helping his people grow in grace and knowledge of our great God.

One final prayer request: I have been asked to speak to the fourth years about my experiences in and impressions of Uganda, in their cultural anthropology class. I hope to honestly share the cultural blessings and shocks that I’ve experienced in my five months here. We all come to the gospel with our own cultural norms and it’s hard not to judge our brothers and sisters who have totally different world views. Please pray that all I say will honour Christ and promote the gospel, not my own western views.
Thank you all for being part of ABU and supporting the building of His kingdom in Africa.
There are times when I miss friends and family, but I know that the Lord is no man’s debtor and he will keep his promises. “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you”. (John 14:18)

Love in Christ,


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