Thursday 21 November 2013

Kajjansi Christmas Message No.1

Things are never dull here in Africa; there always seems to be something going on, particularly on Thursdays.  It is also, never cold, especially this Thursday!  As you can see from the pictures, there are no umbrellas, no raincoats (yes, they wear them, saying it’s so cold!), only sunhats and sunglasses.

Omo (Joseph) and Alfred, the Bonya
defence on the gospel offence!
Latif leads the worship


This week, the team were boosted in number, by a few students who usually attend school outreach, but as school has broken up for the year, they came with us.  They certainly helped with the singing, as you can see (on the blog).  The singing was led by Lotif (in the tie), who also gave testimony of how the Lord saved him from the prison that is Islam, alcohol and drug abuse.  He writes many of his own songs, which are all filled with many scripture references – all that he has committed to memory.  It is his brother’s Muslim school that we visited the other week and arranged for their students to come to ABU for sports and Bible studies.  Praise God!

Edrine translates for me, interviewing
PGJ, translated by Rebeccah!
PJG tells it to him straight!


As you can also see, Praisegrace Joy was back with us.  What a swift and blessed answer to prayer that was.  Not only was she no.1 photographer, but she was also my first interviewee, in the open air!  After I had preached on ‘What are you doing this Christmas?’ (yes, it’s only a few weeks away, you know – even here in sunny Africa!), she then was interviewed about her Christian life and conversion, sharing the joys to all the nearby listeners.  A lot of the ladies were touched by her story, particularly Agnes (from a few weeks ago) and Mercy.  As one photo shows, both ladies desired we pray for them, and Mercy asked that she might be saved.  She said she knew of Jesus, but did not know Jesus.  How many others are like that?  Pray for the two ladies, who were encouraged, and said they would attend ‘Abiding Life Church’ or ‘Deliverance Church’.  Also, Pereth listened, believing all people go to Heaven, if they pray, regardless of how they respond to the gospel.  We asked her if she’d heard that Jesus said, He is the only way?  She said she had, but hadn’t really thought about it seriously.  When we offered to pray with her, she said she would appreciate it, so we did.

It was good to see and speak with
Agnes again...
...and to meet Mercy
...and better still,
praying together.
   As for the Christmas talk, well it’s a new one I was trying out for the first time.  I’m hoping to use it at our Christmas Crusade, next week.  It’s based around the characters in the Christmas story, and why they didn’t worship the infant Jesus.  The inn-keeper was too busy, what with the census and a full house, he never had time for Christmas.  To the people of Jerusalem, Mary was just another pregnant lady, on a donkey, who’s come for the census!  Why should they be concerned for her, and even later, they said as much about Jesus; “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son?”  The Romans were too religious to see the importance of this new King; The Priests and Scribes were too hard-hearted, even though their scriptures told where He was to be born, and Herod asked them, they refused to worship Him.  Herod, he really had no excuse.  The wise men told him they had come to see the King, but he refused to go and instead asked them to come back after and tell him where to go, but they never came back, and he left it too late!  Finally, the shepherds…well, they Worshipped Jesus.  The application is that these old excuses, are still relevant today, and sadly many, will use any excuse not to worship King Jesus, and find one day, they’ve left it too late!  I’d like to say it was my original idea, but that would be wrong.  I heard John McArthur speak on the subject, on Radio ABC, so really, he should get the credit.

What are YOU doing this Christmas?
The missing piece (from your life, too?)

So, although there are only a few names to pray for, please remember Sali, as we saw him again and he smiled and waved back.  And pray for a bus, for Agnes, Mercy and Pereth, and give thanks that PGJ is back and her brother is on the mend!

Your brother in alms,


One lady is covered in disguise...
...another lady (Pereth), is covered in prayer

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