Sunday, 3 November 2013

Sports Outreach to Buloba High School

On Friday 1st November, after classes had finished and lunch over with, a group of 12 of us, headed out to Buloba High School, on the other side of Kampala.  The team consisted of myself, Roland, Steve, Solomon, Winston, Asimenye, Daphine, Linda, Esther and Margy.  Our mission was to coach volleyball and netball to a class of about 40, and then have a small Bible study afterwards.  Well, that was the plan!  What actually happened was, we turned up, were told the basketball team were ready for us and are we ok playing to loud music?  “Welcome to Africa!”

“Welcome to Buloba High!” 
Most of the team: Roland, Margy, Steve, Winston,
Linda,Esther, Angie, Daphine and Asimenye
I was almost panicking, but the students (who I’d already had to persuade with sugar-laden fizzy drinks and doughnuts) weren’t at all bothered.  “Just tell them we’ll bring the basketball team next time, and we’ll play the volleyball team today.”  How simple!  But then, they hadn’t figured on the recent rainfall turning the pitch into a quagmire (well, parts of the pitch, anyway), and they hadn’t figured on the Buloba students insisting on changing ends after the first game!  The results, as you can see, were quite amusing.

The captains shake hands
   Then it’s down to business...steady!
Urgh!  Look at those filthy feet!
 I am not washing his feet, I am removing his socks! 

After the games (which we lost - convincingly!), we took the opportunity to talk to quite a few of the students, about their futures, are asking them if they are ‘On the right road?’  Look at the board below and see if you can tell if you are?  I’ll explain it at the bottom of the page.
Do you get the message?
All of the children stood very quietly and attentively, listening to the talk, and afterwards, they all expressed their approval of the ‘One Way’.  Even those in the accommodation block showed their approval, as everyone gave me a kind round of applause, once I’d finished!  As they did to Steve and the team afterwards, as we prayed for them and introduced ourselves.

"Who knows what this sign means?"
 “I know!”...“Is it, errrr…?”...
“No, I know!”...“Oh, I knew that!!!"

Afterwards, the boys washed their feet, and then we were all treated to fizzy pop, buns and popcorn (in addition to the stash I had waiting for them, in the minibus!)!  The students praised God and thanked Him for the opportunity they had been given, and settled in the bus for the 90 minute journey home, across Kampala (on a Friday night, it is worse than London, believe me!).

Steve talks to the children about the importance of trusting in God alone

On our return, Natasha had prepared some food for them, and then a few girls stayed behind to watch Les Mis, whilst the rest of them, I’m pretty sure, headed off home for an early night.

As an afterthought, I’d just like to say, that although it was a struggle to get some of the students to give up their Friday afternoon and evening, they handled themselves, and represented the university in impeccable fashion.  I never heard any of them moan once – not once – and in fact, they smiled all afternoon and evening.  Their patience is amazing; they seldom rush, and never seem fazed by the situation, journey or task ahead of them.  In many ways, they put me to shame and humble me.  What wonderful Christians they are.

Please enjoy the pictures, and pray we will get more opportunities like this.  I did go to meet Lotif’s brother, at the Muslim school, but he had gone out for the afternoon (“Welcome to Africa!”), so  we plan to go this week, again!


Did you get it?
1.       70 limit – Isaiah 90:10:The days of our lives are 70yrs.  And if by reason of strength, they are 80, yet their boast is only labour and sorrow, for it is soon cut off and we fly away.
2.       Look out for old people! – Are we looking out for when we are old?  Have we made plans?
3.       What does that mean?  Well if you don’t know where you are going when you are 70 and old…
4.       Oh dear!
5.       The Bible says there is a broad way, that leads to destruction – and there are many on it.  Are you?
6.       If you are, you’ll come to a dead-end!
7.       Where Revelation 6:15-16 says, ‘Then the kings of the earth, the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb (Jesus), for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?’
8.       And it doesn’t matter who you are, young or old…
9.       You need to make a U-turn!  You need to repent, and turn from your sinful life, and get on…
10.   The narrow road, that Jesus tells us, leads to eternal life, though there are few that find it!
11.   Because, if you want to get to Heaven (where there are no sharks, kooks or swimming!!!)…
12.   There is only one way…
13.   And that is through Jesus – the other way is a dead-end, and you can’t go on your bike! (This is a genuine Cambridge road-sign!)

God bless you all!

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