Thursday 17 October 2013

Kajjansi Open Air 17.10.13

“Kajjansi, Kajjansi, God says to you, Come and worship ME.
Kajjansi, Kajjansi, salvation comes to you, rich and free!”

Nothing like a good sing-song to start things off!
(You might spot me, I'm the one in the hat!)
So go the lyrics to my first African song!  It came to me, as we rode on the bus to our outreach post.  So, as we rode in with the 40-4 air conditioning on (40 mph with 4 windows down!), the whole bus was singing to the citizens of Kajjansi.  I later asked the students if I had written an African song, and Alfred replied, “South African!”  I’m not sure if that was a compliment, but I’ll take it!  Anyway, you can judge for yourselves by watching the video of the song, attached below, but in the meantime, here’s the report.

As we unloaded the bus, we joined together for singing, dancing and praying.  I’m ok with all three, until they start singing in Lugandan, then I just make echo noises!  It’s not quite CPC, but it is very easy to join in, and enjoy - the singing really is wonderful.  After singing, Joseph prayed and then introduced Lyson to share his testimony.

Joseph, and Lyson (sharing his testimony)
 At this time, a few of us left that group and moved further down the ‘High Street’, to preach to a different audience.  We passed last week’s location, and as we did, the lady who requested prayer called out for us to come and preach again.  Another man shouted, no, and told us to preach down the road a bit.  Not wanting to disappoint, and hoping to find another profitable location, we moved on.  There was a better spot, and as you can see from the photograph below, we were right in the thick of it.  The stall holders were persuaded by the fact that they would hear a life-changing message!

That's us, Godwill and myself, amongst all the colour!

That message was entitled, ‘Why do we keep going on about Jesus?’  I encouraged some of the students to form a small audience, and this seemed to encourage other people to stop and listen.  With Godwill translating, we told them that, God loves the world, and sent Jesus, we told them, we all need a Saviour, and that Jesus died for sinners, like us.  We told them that God so loved the world, He is seeking to adopt us into His family, and Godwill and I are proof of that, as we are now brothers!

Following the message, we all took the opportunity to engage our listeners in conversion.  Patrick told us of his faith and asked for prayer.  Agnes, another stall holder, asked us to pray for her and her business.  Theresa also asked for prayer.  Emmanuel listened to the whole gospel message, and was not at all embarrassed when I prayed for him and his family.  He said he would like to come to the church at ABU, and we encouraged him to.

Theresa asks for literature
Patrick asks for prayer
Agnes asks for peace
Alfred chatted with Fiona (pictured below), who said she believed, but had many doubts.  She asked if we would come back next week to preach again, and we said we’d be back after our mid-term break.  He and Godwill, both chatted to Renton (pictured), who was really keen to talk to us.  Praise-Grace Joy, spoke with Ronald for a while, and on the bus back, all shared of how much a blessing today had been.


     Alfred chats with Fiona                           ...then with Renton                  ...who then wants to talk with Godwill

Please pray for the people of Kajjansi, and the ministry in that small suburb.  Pray for the students who tirelessly go out, with great joy and zeal for the Lord.  Pray the Lord will raise up more workers for the rich harvest, that is Africa and Kajjansi.

It seems that not everyone was pleased to see us!
Every blessing, thanks for your prayers, and please, enjoy the photos and the video! 

I do like to keep the board in order!!!


  1. Thanks for this Sean, this is great. Love the song too. Keep the blog-posts coming!

  2. Dear S and K, Love and greetings from Atlanta. It is always good to receive your news. May the Lord

  3. Thanks for posting, you guys! Wonderful to see what you're up to and praying that God will use these efforts. Love some of the African names - Godwill and Praise-Grace! Love from the Umps x
